Saturday, March 5, 2011

dona nolan tattoos

Tattoo Placement

There are a few important aspects in choosing a tattoo design that you can live with. Where on your body you are going to place your tattoo is another big decision. There is a large selection of designs available such as, lower backs tattoos, tattoos on the shoulder or wrist, you will find that there is a tattoo design for everyone.

Before you run off to the local tattoo store to look at all the tattoos, it is important to put things into perspective. The choice in placement of the tattoo should be the second step in the process to getting your tattoo. The first step is in making sure that it is something you truly want to do. Evaluate your reason for wanting a tattoo and be certain that it is something that you really want, not just a whim. Once you are secure in your decision, it's time to move on to the second step, the placement of the tattoo.

There are tattoos designed to use on almost every part of the body. While women often choose lower backs tattoos or butterflies tattoos on back of the shoulders or on the hip, men are more likely to choose areas that are more visible. They may choose tattoos in the arm, tattoo designs for your hand, or half sleeve tattoo designs for men. Another difference is that men like something that is masculine while women will often look for designs that are small and feminine or sexy.

The size of the tattoo will depend on the location on your body that you choose. Make sure that the area you choose is the right fit for your tattoo. For example, lower backs tattoos are normally quite large and somewhat horizontal in shape so that they go almost all the way across the entire width of the back. One of these tattoos is probably not appropriate in place of one of the tattoo designs for hand adornment.

For some individuals, the choice of which tattoo is right for them starts with knowing where they want the tattoo, while for others they know what type of tattoo they want but not where they want to place it. If you have your mind set on a tribal tattoo, shoulders may only be one option that you are considering. If you are also considering a tribal tattoo design for foot décor, but you are certain about the tribal tattoo aspect, then you should think about what you want from your tattoo location. Do you want something that is always visible, or do you prefer something that will normally be covered. You will probably need to think about the potential for a problem at work if you have a tattoo in an exposed area. That could be a problem later on. Arm tattoos for guys are a classic choice but some places of employment are getting stricter about not hiring people with visible tattoos.

During the tattoo process certain areas of the body are more sensitive and therefore the pain may be more difficult to deal with. Any place where there is a lot of bone, such as tribal tattoo designs for back that are placed over the rib cage, is going to be a more painful place to tattoo. Naturally, the bigger the tattoo, the more painful it will be.

Whether you choose a butterfly tattoo on feet, tribal tattoos on the shoulder, or on any place in between, be certain that it is the place where you will want it to stay. When it comes to tattoos, there are no do-overs!

. Tattoo III .
. Tattoo III .
View of the back of my hand. >.>;

Tattoo Palm Trees
Tattoo Palm Trees
Showing off my new tattoo before it starts peeling.

Zomg Tattoo
Zomg Tattoo
Okay, so not a great quality picture. XD And it shows I need to clean my mirror. But there's the tattoo. I've got another pic, but it's even worse quality.

So there you have it! I'm pretty pumpe...

little Tattoo
little Tattoo
That's my Tattoo!
You see only one part of the tatto

the rest is a little secret

me getting my tattoo
me getting my tattoo
me and my lovely self (accidental) designed tattoo =]

Design by LEMOT